Service User-Led Accreditation

By working collaboratively, the Quality Assurance Team and People Participation Teams, service users and carers have developed a pioneering programme to recognise excellence, support improvement in patient experience and develop key markers of quality that matter most to our Service Users.

The teams that take part in the programme are given an opportunity to self-assess against 24 standards that are most important to our Service Users. These standards cover a wide range of elements of service provision, also seen in other quality assurance systems including clinical audit and our internal Care Quality Commission inspection readiness process. Therefore, by taking part in this innovative programme, teams have a better overall understanding of their assurance position and can focus on making key local improvements to improve care for the population we serve.

The programme has four essential components:

  1. Self-assessment,
  2. Comprehensive service user training
  3. Assessor team visit to the service and report
  4. Accreditation panel.

These steps help us to ensure transparency, capture and share good practice.

How to register ?

You can register your interest by completing the online registration form

If you need more information, email us at