What work are we involved in?

  • Service User Led Accreditation
    A pioneering programme to recognise excellence, support improvement in patient experience and develop key markers of quality that matter most to our Service Users.
  • Patient Experience
    Understanding how to improve the service by collecting and reporting on regular service user feedback and taking action to improve.
  • CQC @ ELFT
    Ensuring high quality services are maintained by assessing the service against CQC standards and ensuring actions are taken to improve.
  • Clinical Audit
    Regularly measuring performance of a service by assessing against pre-defined standards of quality and taking actions to improve.
  • NICE Guidance
    To ensure services are providing high quality care using best available evidence.
  • Exec Walkround
    Ensuring there is senior oversight of the key issues affecting services, supporting effective communication between services and the executive team and actions are taken.


“To collaborate with our services users and services, to enable a better understanding of quality of care and promote improvement” 


“Delivery of a world class leading Quality Assurance Programme, with service users at its heart, promoting understanding of quality at service, place and system levels, that contributes to the health of the population we serve” 


“As a QA Team we commit to looking after each other, we value above all else equality, empowerment, honesty and loyalty, and we pledge to uphold and champion these values at all times”